Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport 250$

Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport

Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport

We have been providing Private Tourist Jeep or Transport for Kathmandu to Machhakhola  in Nepal therefore if are trekking to Manaslu and Tsum Vallley then contact us for Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport. We provide you our comfort Private Tourist Jeeps in reasonable cost with responsibly because we have legal agency and experienced Jeep drivers for Kathmandu to Machhakhola drive for all Manaslu Trekking seasons.  You drive 162km around from Kathmandu to Machhakhola, We pick you early in the morning from your hotel and you drive 8 to 10 hours around. Driving depends on traffic Jam, drivers and Road condition. Our Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport is 250$ in reserve.

Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport
Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport

Our Previous Photos and Videos for Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep drive

We work responsibly based on experience because we are Legal agency in Nepal since 2017. We provide you our Private Jeeps anytime according to your need which is comfort and safe for driving. It’s our Pleasure to work with you and we aim to give our services promptly. Before booking the Jeep for Machhakhola, Check our real Photos and videos.

 We include in this cost:-

-We pick up you from your Hotel

-We pay fuel cost

-We pay all the cost for drivers

-We pay the charge for Parking

-We pay all the Tax for government.

We do not include in this cost:-

-Your meals and drinks

-Trek Permits

-Tips for Drivers, if you want to give

Features of our Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep

We Provide you Mahindra Scorpio Jeep for Kathmandu to Machhakhola drive which is 4 WD best for off road driving in Nepal and known as off Road king Jeep with 180mm ground clearance. Our Jeep Colors are White, Red, Silver, Canyon and Gold. In a Jeep you can drive 7 Persons in Nepalese People body size. Actually, we can not confirm the People suppose how many Person can drive in one Jeep? It depends on the People Body size and client’s interest. That’s why we are providing our Jeeps based on client’s need.

 Is it possible to get Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep in sharing?

Yes sure, it is possible to Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep in sharing but for it you have to inquiry us before starting your Trip. According to your inquiry and info date we try to find interested clients then we combine you together for Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep sharing. All the time we are service oriented agency for the clients so contact us if you need and get in Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport in reasonable Price.

Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Road condition

You drive Pitch Road to Dhadingbesi from Kathmandu then you drive off Road to Machhakhola through the Sotikhola. It seems short distance but it takes long drive due the driving Road condition. That’s why for safe drive, as  much as possible hire an experienced drivers and comfortable condition off Road Scorpio 4 Wheelers Jeep.

Our additional services with Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport

We provide you not only the Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport but also we organize your Manaslu Circuit Trek  and Tsum Valley Trek as well, We provide Guide and Porter for Manaslu and Tsum Valley Trek with Permits management services. We organize the Manaslu Region Trek according to the client’s need, Budget and interest. We have multi services, that’s why inquiry us if you need Jeep service or Manaslu Trek. We have an experienced Guides and Porters Team for Manaslu and Tsum Valley Trekking.

Cheapest Cost for Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep or Transport

As much as possible we try to work in cheapest cost for Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep or Transport according the Manaslu Trek season and group size. For the cheapest jeep cost we try to provide you our jeep in sharing. When you share the jeep then of course you get cheaper Price. This opportunity comes on same date when the clients drive from Kathmandu to Machhakhola.

Our Contact info for Kathmandu to Machhakhola Jeep Cost or Transport

Email: nepalvisit52@gmail.com, info@enjoynepaltreks.com

What’sapp: +977-9808042808 (Ras)

Address: Kapan12 Kathmandu, Nepal

Agency: Enjoy Nepal Treks

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