Kathmandu to Chitwan Transport Cost/Vehical/Car/Taxi/Jeep/Bus

Kathmandu to Chitwan Transport Cost

How much does the Kathmandu to Chitwan Transport Cost? Car/Jeep/Hiece/Taxi/Coaster

For Kathmandu to Chitwan, we provide you reserve Car/Jeep/Hiece/Taxi/Coaster  as per your need in Nepal.

Kathmandu to Chitwan 170km. (distance)

Driving hours 6hrs

Kathmandu to Chitwan Car Cost is 130$ (Reserve)

Kathmandu to Chitwan Jeep Cost is 150$ (Reserve)

Kathmandu to Chitwan Micro or Hiece Cost is 200$ (Reserve)

Kathmandu to Chitwan Taxi Cost is 110$ (Reserve)

Kathmandu to Chitwan Car Service

Kathmandu to Chitwan Taxi Service

Kathmnandu to Chitwan Jeep Service

Kathmandu to Chitwan Hiece Service

Kathmandu to Chitwan Coaster Service

Why is the Famous Kathmandu to Chitwan Road?

Chitwan is famous for Chitwan National Park,Jalbire Waterfall,Devghat,Bishazari Tal,Tharu Village,Sauraha art Gallery,Elephant Breeding,Ranipokhari,Shiraichuli Hill, Sauraha Tharu Culture House,Jungle safari,Bird watching and canoeing. That’s why Tourists go there.

Major driving Seasons for Kathmandu to Chitwan Road and Condition

Autumn and Spring seasons are the Major but for the Chitwan Winter and Summer seasons also possible to drive.

Kathmandu to Chitwan-Pitch Road

Why to book Transport with us?

We Provide you Car/Jeep/Hiece/Taxi/Coaster in reasonable cost directly from Kathmandu to Chitwan. Furthermore, we organize the Chitwan Tour.

-We have an experience Driver

-we have experience Chitwan sightseeing Tour Guide

We book your Hotel in Chitwan

-Our Staffs are honest and very helpful

-We pick up you at your Hotel

How to Contact for booking? (Kathmandu to Chitwan Transport Cost)

Contact us at:-

What’sapp: +977-9808042808 (Ras)

Email: nepalvisit52@gmail.com  or  info@enjoynepaltreks.com

Address: Kapan 12,Kathmandu (Nepal)

Agency: Enjoy Nepal Treks Expedition & Tours (P)Ltd.

Ras Bdr Rai md enjoynepaltreks


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