Licence No. 6204 | Pan : 606805825
What we offer
We offer a unique approach in tourism by giving visitors a memorable and authentic stay which at the same time benefits the host community. We offer neat and clean home stays with farmers and small entrepreneurs. The guests stays with a local family, eats delicious local food, uses local transport and experiences local culture, while local people also learn from their guests in a mutual process of benefit sharing.
We offer you an experience of real Nepal villages and their way of life. We encourage our guests to make meaningful friendship with their hosts and close interaction in order to bring a very positive cultural exchange.
Discovering our Traditions
Explore our traditions and culture. The way we were and the way we are. We want you to get the most out of your stay. To truly explore the place you are in, its history and the unique traditions of the place, so that you will have a taste of the real flavor of Nepal’s village life.
Meet the People
Live with local people, make friends for life, share cultures and stories. We will show you the vividness of our culture as you join us in the heart of our villages. Join us and find different people and stay close to nature. We believe this cultural exchange is an enriching and mutually beneficial experience.
The main objectives of these partnerships are:
1. To facilitate a sustainable tourism model that ensures people’s participation in tourism and sustainable development of the village.
2. Ensure sustainable income generation and utilize the potential of tourism as an additional income for village development.
3. Create awareness among the local population and the general public on the negative impacts of tourism, conservation and sustainable management of the natural resources.
4. Conservation and enrichment of our cultural heritage and a positive cultural exchange between guests and host communities.
5. Improved capacities of domestic industries and a more competitive environment through value added integration of resources.